
Visual Components (VIS) is recognized as a global leader in the manufacturing 3D simulation industry and a trusted technology partner to many leading industrial automation brands.
Visual Components offers a 3D factory simulation and visualization suite consisting of innovative tools that set the modern simulation standard. The simulation suite gives machine builders, system integrators, and manufacturers worldwide a simple, quick, and highly cost-effective way to build and simulate their total process solutions.
With solutions for sales, engineering design, manufacturing optimization, and offline programming, hundreds of organizations worldwide use Visual Components software to support critical planning and decision-making processes.
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In joint cooperation, FFT develops innovative solutions for the challenges of customers from the automotive and aviation industries, but also from many other sectors. Based on its experience in the development and realization of complete production plants, FFT has designed field-proven technologies and standardized products for a wide range of manufacturing tasks and is a leading partner in several international research projects.
FFT's goal is to support companies in the automation of small sub-areas as well as large and complex production processes. The portfolio ranges from the conception of new production ideas, the optimization of existing systems, detailed planning including virtual commissioning, to the realization and upgrading of safe processes.
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Innovalia is a group of technology-focused firms dedicated to digital technologies and advanced manufacturing, aimed at the digitalisation of industry. Also, it has a strong background in ICT solutions focused on manufacturing SMEs. Innovalia is part of the Digital Innovation Hub for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), which is part of the I4MS DIH network.
The Innovalia Association is organised into three different Units: Information & Communication Technologies Unit, Nanotechnology and Advanced Metrological Unit and Manufacturing and Knowledge Management Unit.
Innovalia’s business activities broadly span the whole European market, the supply of RTD services, the networking of private and public companies with heavy emphasis on SMEs, SME collaboration activities and SME training. One of the main focuses of Innovalia is on the Tourism and Entertainment sector.
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Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne supports companies and innovation teams. It provides infrastructure (space and laboratories), research services, and other services for SMEs and start-ups and assists these in developing and implementing marketable products. The Swiss Smart Factory (SSF) of Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne is the first model factory for industry 4.0 in Switzerland. The focus lies on innovations which contribute to the maintenance and extension of competitiveness of Swiss industries.
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Politecnico di Milano is the most important technical university in Italy and one of the best in Europe, according to recent rankings. Since 1863, Politecnico di Milano has been active in several scientific and technical fields and is involved in the project through the Manufacturing Group of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering. This team groups almost 50 researchers and its specific competences lay in the fields of Manufacturing Strategy, ICT for Manufacturing, Social and Environmental Sustainability in Manufacturing, Product and Service Development, Manufacturing Systems Design, Production and Maintenance Management, Education in Manufacturing in which the group can be considered the leader among the Italian Universities and Research Centers.
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UNINOVA (Institute for the Development of New Technologies) is a Portuguese non-profit University-Enterprise association, established in 1986, with main theme of pursuing scientific research, technical development, high level training and the creation of new technological innovation centres and small-and-medium sized industries. UNINOVA's facilities are located at the campus of the NOVA School of Science and Technology in Caparica, Portugal. UNINOVA researchers mobilised to this action have a long experience in research & innovation on industrial digitisation for both discrete (manufacturing and assembly) and continuous (process monitoring and control) production systems having been involved in several key European and National, projects and initiatives.
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Holonix deals with Technologies, IoT software products and Augmented Intelligence. It supports companies on their digital transformation journey, leveraging the benefits of Analytics, Big Data and AI.
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nxtControl is developing state-of-the-art software for industrial automation based on the IEC 61499 standard for distributed control systems. The hardware-agnostic nature and easy distribution of control logic across a network of smart devices makes nxtControl automation software an enabler for Industry 4.0 solutions. The seamless integration of all aspects of automation, from the field level to the cloud level, enables customers to significantly reduce engineering efforts and to create better and more flexible solutions. In 2017 nxtControl was acquired by Schneider Electric. Since then, the company has been involved in the development of innovative automation products. It also supports UniversalAutomation.Org, a not-for-profit association with the goal of establishing an ecosystem of portable and interoperable plug & produce solutions.
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Netcompany-Intrasoft is a leading European IT Solutions and Services Group with strong international presence and expertise, offering innovative and added-value solutions of the highest quality to a wide range of international and national public and private organizations. Netcompany-Intrasoft (founded in 1996) became a member of the Netcompany Group in November 2021. Netcompany is the fastest growing and most successful IT services company in the Nordics, owning vast technology experience and deep industry-specific knowledge, creating innovative solutions tailored to meet business goals. Netcompany-Intrasoft employs more than 2,800 professionals representing over 50 nationalities. With headquarters in Luxembourg, Netcompany-Intrasoft operates in13 countries. More than 500 organizations in over 70 countries have chosen the company's services and solutions to fulfill their business needs.
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Located in Elorrio (Spain), in the center of the Basque Country, Nueva Herramienta de Corte (NECO) is the result of the merger of three Spanish cutting tool manufacturers and currently belongs to the French group Tivoly. Offering solutions adapted to highly demanding sectors such as wind power, automotive or aeronautics, with threading products manufactured in Elorrio complemented with others produced in the other plants of the group, is the Mission of the 85 people who currently make up the company. Sustained and profitable growth, brand awareness and recognition, innovation, quality and operational excellence are our main strategic axes.
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EMO Orodjarna is a manufacturer of tools for the production of structural body parts for automotive body using cold sheet metal forming methods. We connect the knowledge, competences, experience and skills of employees with modern equipment, technologies and related softwares. We develop and produce transfer, progressive, line, blanking and single tools for sheet metal products. Our tools are designed for products made of steel sheet for drawing, high-strength steel sheet, aluminum sheet, and tailored steel sheet of various thicknesses. We also developing and producing everything necessary for the automation of tools and fixtures for checking final products. We producing high quality for the automotive industry and we are direct supplier to original equipment manufacturer (OEM‘s) and system/module suppliers (TIER 1)!
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UNPARALLEL is a Portuguese SME that develops digital technologies and provides consulting services on digitization with a strong foundation on research and innovation. UNPARALLEL develops new products ranging from software/web solutions to hardware devices/sensors, and provides high-value consulting services on technological development, strategic insights, market intelligence, etc. Main target markets include (but not restricted to): Internet of Things, Industrial IoT, Smart Cities solutions, Agri-food instrumentation, Water-smart systems, Smart Factories/ Manufacturing, etc.
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TTS - Technology Transfer System S.r.l. was founded in 1993. During the years the expertise has grown starting from simulation and knowledge management to the development of proprietary and customized IT solutions for manufacturing companies and technology transfer actions. Moreover, the company portfolio has incorporated consultancy on business development, support to innovation management and quality and environmental assurance. Currently TTS skills are twofold: on the technology-driven side we own and offer 3D animations and simulations, discrete event simulation and virtual reality, while on the business-driven side knowledge management systems, innovation management procedures, business development, quality and environmental assurance systems are the core competences, together with the technical and research management of national and international projects.
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Designo Srl is a start-up based in Milan (Italy) working on innovative solutions in the space of Digital Manufacturing. As such, the Company develops technology, software and protocols spanning within the CAD/CAPP/CAM pipeline, aiming to deliver tools for an intelligent manufacturing with close control over both geometrical design constraints and manufacturing process parameters, with the ultimate objective of reaching desired added value applications. Such bespoke solutions rely on strictly defined proprietary protocol frameworks, but flexible enough to cover conventional, additive and hybrid manufacturing technologies with virtually no restrictions on the geometry other than the limitations of the technology or hardware itself.
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ATLANTIS Engineering is an SME highly experienced in developing services and innovative products for the manufacturing industry, emphasized on offering decision support for management and optimization activities related with assets’ life cycle, and on the streamlining of various maintenance related processes. The company supports stakeholders of the manufacturing community to understand and prioritize smart and efficient solutions towards cognitive manufacturing by implementing cutting-edge Industry 4.0 strategies. ATLANTIS’ software products aim in assisting manufacturers in obtaining a holistic view of their plant performance and thus, choose more competitive and agile management options.
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Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne supports companies and innovation teams. It provides infrastructure (space and laboratories), research services, and other services for SMEs and start-ups and assists these in developing and implementing marketable products. The Swiss Smart Factory (SSF) of Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne is the first model factory for industry 4.0 in Switzerland. The focus lies on innovations which contribute to the maintenance and extension of competitiveness of Swiss industries.
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Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU is a driver for innovations in the research and development of production engineering. Around 670 highly qualified employees at our locations in Chemnitz, Dresden, Leipzig, Wolfsburg, and Zittau tap the new potential for competitive manufacturing in automotive and mechanical engineering, aerospace technology, medical engineering, electrical engineering, and precision and micro engineering. We focus on scientific developments and contract research concerning components, processes, methods, and the associated complex machine systems – the entire factory. As the leading institute for resource-efficient production, we develop technologies and intelligent production systems for car body and powertrain components. We optimize production stages of forming, cutting, and joining processes while considering the entire process chain, factoring in regenerative systems and circular economy. Crucial factors of success include the development of innovative lightweight structures and technologies for the processing of new materials, the transfer of functions into assembly units, and last but not least, the economic utilization of fuel cell technologies.
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Mondragon Unibertsitatea is a practical university immersed in business reality that combines training, research and knowledge transfer to improve the competitive position of companies and organisations. A University that listens to companies and society and responds effectively and with quality to their challenges.
- - It is part of MONDRAGON Corporation
- - With a solid research and transfer model articulated around real cooperation with companies.
- - More than half of the research funds are private research contracts.
- - It is ranked on the rop of the list of European universities in knowledge transfer by U-Multirank.
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AIMEN is a private non-profit organization founded in 1967 in Vigo, placed in northwest of Spain, from the initiative of a group of Galician entrepreneurs. Our mission is Contributing to the improvements in the multi-sectorial company´s competitiveness through R&D&I activities, providing advanced technological services and specialized technical training. Our goal is become AIMEN as a reference center in the development of industrial solutions aimed at the reconfigurability of production systems through CAE/CAPP tools and the management of circular and sustainable value chains. For the above, our greatest asset is the center's expertise in digitizing relevant assets (processes, products, resources) using AAS-based Digital Twins, creating digital threads to ensure data interoperability throughout lifecycles. product, as well as participation in the definition of embryonic data spaces in different industrial sectors.
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CORE Innovation Centre is a non-profit RTO, subsidiary of CORE Innovation & Technology OE, aiming to provide individuals, industries and companies with opportunities to reach their true potential, to make industries smarter and greener, more sustainable and more socially inclusive. Industry 4.0 is where CORE IC chooses to focus its research and innovation efforts. Advances in a range of technologies i.e. IoT, big data, machine and deep learning, edge and cloud computing are deployed to maximise the potential of both people and entities in multiple sectors.
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The consortium is composed of 19 partners across 10 countries.
Project Coordinator
Markus Wabner