
Interested in learning more about Industrial Manufacturing strategies? The events section includes a wider variety of such events.

The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
to Apr 4

The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing

In the last thirty-nine years, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary and international forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineering, and other computer related professionals to gather, interact, present, and disseminate their research and development work. ACM SAC has been sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and SIGAPP’s mission is to further the interests of the computing professionals engaged in the development of new computing techniques and applications areas and the transfer of computing technology to new problem domains.

SAC 2025 will be held on March 31 – April 4, 2025 in Sicily, Italy. The conference proceedings will be published by ACM and will be also available online through ACM’s Digital Library.

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15th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
to Sep 12

15th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

The main focus of the workshop is on methods, techniques, and approaches related to the integration of advanced technologies and artificial intelligence into manufacturing processes. The goal is to enhance efficiency, productivity, flexibility, adaptability, and decision-making in manufacturing operations. The workshop will allow researchers and practitioners to share their achievements, innovations, and insights on intelligent manufacturing systems. Participants can be involved in discussions covering models, approaches, formal solutions, case studies, and real-life implementations. Discussions may be focus on the integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, edge and cloud computing, machine and deep learning, robotics, automation, data analytics, and advanced manufacturing technologies into manufacturing systems. Consequently, the workshop will encompass the latest research and development in the field, including state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies related to automation, digitalization, and manufacturing. In this context, the workshop’s scope includes understanding, exploring, and discussing the latest trends, technologies, methodologies, and challenges in the field of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Additionally, it addresses the integration of the concept of Industry 4.0/5.0, aimed at developing a more sustainable, resilient, and human-centric industry.

Meeting topics:

  • Integration of advanced computing techniques in manufacturing processes.

  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and its role in transforming the manufacturing landscape.

  • Applications and case studies of Industrial AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning in manufacturing.

  • Generative technology and Large Language Models (LLM).

  • Applications and case studies of edge to cloud continuum for industrial applications.

  • Smart sensors, robotics, and automation in manufacturing.

  • Advanced manufacturing technologies.

  • Bio-inspired manufacturing systems and self-organization.

  • Real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization of production systems.

  • Digital twins and virtual reality applications in manufacturing operations management.

  • Product-Service Systems, circular and sustainable manufacturing systems.

  • Human-system integration in manufacturing.

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17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025)
to Feb 25

17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025)

The International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) brings together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in the areas of Agents and Artificial Intelligence, covering both applications and current research work. This year’s ICAART will be held from 23rd to 25th February in Porto (Portugal).

On one side it focuses on Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, and also Distributed Problem Solving. On the other side it focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception. Applications are in both areas. They are using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Legal Technologies and Quantum Computing.

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ISM 2024 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
to Nov 22

ISM 2024 International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing

The International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM) is a yearly open forum fostering the smart culture and exploring the transformative impact of digital technologies characterizing the 4th industrial revolution across the full breadth of economic sectors.

The manufacturing community is leading a series of world-class breakthroughs driven by the convergence of physical and digital spaces, operational excellence and human-automation symbiosis that are intimately changing the profile and behavior of socio-technical ecosystems at all levels of public and private sectors.

To support this transition, ISM promotes the cross-fertilization of multidisciplinary knowledge bringing together a global community of eminent academics, research innovators, professionals, leaders and policy makers committed to build more efficient, agile, safe, sustainable and ethical systems; encourages the dissemination of the latest scientific advances, research results and industrial stories to strengthen the theoretical base of Industry 4.0; and provides a stimulating ground for business-to-science cooperation opportunities.

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European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2024
to Oct 4

European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) 2024

The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) brings together industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers from all over Europe and other regions of the world to advance policy actions and industrial and research activities in the areas of Data and AI. 

This year, the event will take place in Budapest, Hungary from 2-4 October 2024. The dates of EBDVF 2024 are subject to potential change, depending on unforeseen external factors and they will be confirmed as soon as possible.
The EBDVF 2024 is organised by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), in collaboration with AI&AUT EXPO, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Ideal-ist, Neumann Technology Platform and the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI). 

*The dates of EBDVF 2024 are subject to potential change, depending on unforeseen external factors and they will be confirmed as soon as possible

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European Manufacturing Conference 2024
to Sep 25

European Manufacturing Conference 2024

The European Manufacturing Conference is a biennial event that brings together key players in the European manufacturing industry, including policymakers, industry representatives, as well as academia, research & technology organisations, startups, scaleups and innovators.

The three organisers EFFRA, EIT Manufacturing and ManuFuture share a common vision that cooperation is key in creating an enabling environment to address the most pressing challenges faced by the European industry and society today and tomorrow.

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EuroMaintenance 2024
to Sep 18

EuroMaintenance 2024

Rimini, 16-17-18 September: the appointment for every european Maintenance professional will take place in Italy, at the PalaCongressi Center of Rimini. It will be a key moment as it is set to be the only congress and event, on a continental scale, completely focused on Maintenance. Three days to highlight the the value of sharing knowledge, gathering together. Top leaders from the industry will have a chance to discuss the challenges the industry is facing, to compare solutions and strategies. 

EuroMaintenance 2024 is organised by:

A.I.MAN. - The Italian Maintenance Society founded in 1959 and part of EFNMS as of 1972.

EFNMS - The European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, founded in 1970, is recognized as the leading European network for knowledge and experience in Maintenance and Asset Management.

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18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2024)
to Aug 30

18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2024)

The 18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM2024) aims to bring together experts from various fields to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the context of twin transformation, under the flagship topic of “sustainable transformation towards autonomous manufacturing systems”. The conference will especially address digital twinning and simulation from both design and operation perspectives for sustainable manufacturing and supply chains, green factories and logistic networks, federated manufacturing platforms, virtualization, global manufacturing, autonomous and self-learnable systems, data-driven industrial engineering, Industry 5.0 strategies, models, and technologies, human interaction in robotics and cyber-physical systems as well as new advances in robotics and conversational AI applications in manufacturing and supply chain systems.

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12th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2024)
to Aug 28

12th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2024)

IHIET Conference aims to provide a global forum for presenting and discussing novel human-interaction, healthcare, sport medicine and engineering approaches, tools, methodologies, techniques, and solutions for integrating people, concepts, trends and applications in healthcare and artificial intelligence all areas of human interaction endeavor in industry, economy, government, and education, including but not limited to energy, transportation, urbanization and infrastructure development, digital manufacturing, social development, human health, sustainability, new generation of service systems, as well as safety, risk assessment, healthcare, and cybersecurity in both civilian and military contexts.

IHIET Conference will focus on advancing the theory and applications for human-interaction requirements as part of an overall system and product solution, by adopting a human-centered design approach that utilizes and expands on the current knowledge of user-centered design and systems engineering supported by cognitive software and engineering, data analytics, simulation and modeling, and next generation visualizations.  This interdisciplinary conference will also expand the boundaries of the current state-of-the-art by investigating the pervasive complexity that underlies the most profound problems facing contemporary society today.

Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies such as educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, psychotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

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Madeira Digital Transformation Week (MDTWeek)
to Jun 28

Madeira Digital Transformation Week (MDTWeek)

The Madeira Digital Transformation Week will bring together five major events, the 30th ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference, the 2nd edition of the Madeira Digital Transformation Summit, the EIT Health Transformation Talks, the CyberSecPro Summer School and the NITIM Graduate School. This convergence of academic, policy makers and industry stakeholders provides a unique opportunity to showcase your research, projects, solutions and initiatives.

The MDTWeek will attract a diverse audience, including academic experts, industry professionals from both large corporations and SMEs, representatives from the European Commission and governmental bodies. This mix of attendees offers great potential for networking and collaboration.

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to May 8


The Smart Manufacturing & Industrial IoT world 2024 (SMIoT) is a gathering of 100+ Industry Leaders to discuss carefully curated themes and topics full of knowledge, solutions, and challenges that which manufacturing Industry is facing. This event will help you to explore the latest development in the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Transportation, Digital Transformation, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, 5G, Digital Marketing, Smart City Financing Models, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence. The Smart Manufacturing & Industrial IoT world 2024 (SMIoT) helps the senior leaders throughout the IoT industry to forge strong and everlasting business relationships and provide a platform for all Industry Experts to network and exchange relevant information with each other. The theme of the Conference will be Embracing the IoT trends to Boost Industrial Business!

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to Apr 26


At the world’s leading industrial trade fair, companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and digital industries as well as the energy sector will come together to present solutions for a high-performance, but also sustainable industry. More than 4,000 companies will be acting as an interconnected industrial ecosystem and demonstrating how climate neutrality can be achieved through electrification, digitization and automation.

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Advanced Factories Expo & Congress
to Apr 11

Advanced Factories Expo & Congress

The Smart Manufacturing & Industrial IoT world 2024 (SMIoT) is a gathering of 100+ Industry Leaders to discuss carefully curated themes and topics full of knowledge, solutions, and challenges that which manufacturing Industry is facing. This event will help you to explore the latest development in the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Transportation, Digital Transformation, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, 5G, Digital Marketing, Smart City Financing Models, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence. The Smart Manufacturing & Industrial IoT world 2024 (SMIoT) helps the senior leaders throughout the IoT industry to forge strong and everlasting business relationships and provide a platform for all Industry Experts to network and exchange relevant information with each other. The theme of the Conference will be Embracing the IoT trends to Boost Industrial Business!

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European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024
to Mar 21

European Research and Innovation Days (R&I Days) 2024

The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

This fifth edition of the event will take place on 20 and 21 March 2024 both physically in Brussels and online, allowing everyone to get involved from anywhere.

The R&I Days 2024 will give you the opportunity to debate how we can make Europe more sustainable and competitive and will celebrate the outcomes and achievements in research and innovation since the launch of the first R&I Framework Programme over 40 years ago.

It’s your chance to discover successful EU-funded research and innovation projects, experience their impact on our society and debate the importance of continued investment in research and innovation. You can find out more on Horizon Europe, including the Strategic Plan 2025 – 2027 and its Widening Instrument; R&I support to Green and Digital transition; its Global Approach; and many other topics.

Join us to discuss and shape the future of research and innovation.

More information about the programme, the sessions and the speakers will be available soon.

Stay tuned for more news by following us on Twitter @EUScienceInnov and join the conversation on #RiDaysEU.

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XVII Workshop on Materials Processing with Laser Technology
to Oct 27

XVII Workshop on Materials Processing with Laser Technology

AIMEN Centro Tecnológico, our Modul4r partner, is organising the XVII Workshop on Materials Processing with Laser Technology from 26 to 27 October 2023 at O Porriño, Spain.

The conference will bring together researchers, professionals and users of laser technology applied to materials processing. During the past seven years, the event has become an unmissable opportunity to discuss the latest advances in laser technology for industrial applications.

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to Sep 22


From 20-22 September 2023, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Symposium will take place in Madrid, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

This year’s event will be fully hybrid, facilitating broader exchanges between stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research organisations, service providers, research infrastructures and research communities driving the development of – and engagement with – the European Open Science Cloud. In the context of the EOSC Future project, the EOSC Symposium will also be a critical platform to showcase project achievements and key exploitable results.

Under the heading ‘Taking EOSC into the future’, the Symposium will take on pressing topics and more around EOSC’s sustainability:

·       EOSC after 2027

·       Governance and guidelines

·       Impact on the European Data and Infrastructure

·       …and more!


More information is available here

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