MODUL4R team gathering in Thessaloniki, Greece

It had been a solid four months since the previous in-person gathering of the MODUL4R team of professionals, so on the 14th and 15th of June 2023, the MODUL4R consortium conducted its M6 General Assembly Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece. The in-person meeting was attended by a majority of the consortium partners, while an online option was also offered as an alternative for those who could not attend physically.


The two-day productive meeting was hosted by our Greek colleagues, ATLANTIS. The partners presented the scientific and technical achievements to date, and discussed the use case implementation of the project's vision for advancing industrial manufacturing with distributed control and resilient, rapidly responsive, and reconfigurable supply chains.


The meeting was also a great opportunity for partners to establish the architectural foundations of MODUL4R's visionary framework that orchestrates the project's modules and services, and extends from the manufacturing shopfloor and IoT devices to the cloud and the industrial metaverse.


The close collaboration among partners will continue online until the next face-to-face meeting.


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